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December 10, 2011How To Juggle Video Intro
December 16, 2011First off, happy Monday from Apex Advertising LLC! We are excited to start the week off and share some useful information for those of you out there searching for ways to engage your customers / clients via Facebook. We know how difficult it can be to engage your audience, let alone keep them engaged in the future. We are going to list out some ideas briefly on ways to help you further your social media experience.
1. Attract your ideal fan with Engaging ads
It’s one thing to run and ad, but another thing to actually have people interact with your ad and drive traffic to your company. Anyone who looks at your ad but doesn’t care deeply about your company or service, simply will not become a purchaser much less a fan of your Facebook page.
When you’re running an ad the idea behind that ad is to drive traffic, but to impress and retain a customer / potential client for life. If they engage your company and you do a great job for them or fulfill their needs satisfactorily, they are your best advocate to spread your companies name and help you achieve a bigger customer base.
Several key features to leverage your customer base and drive future traffic.
First off, running an ad promoting a giveaway of a product such as an iPhone or iPad is a great way to drive traffic to your site. However, it is NOT a great way to retain future cliental. Why you may ask? Customers who simply visit your site wanting to win something such as a high tech piece of equipment as simply there for that reason, and that reason only. What person do you know that doesn’t want FREE stuff? That’s right, every single person would take something for free if given the chance.
When running an ad to prospect for potential and future customers, you want to do several things. Advertise YOUR product or service, or something extremely similar, and make sure you are targeting the right audience. What is the right audience? Maybe a specific age group, specific sport type, specific part of the country, and the list goes on. If you narrow down your ads and target a specific audience, and offer then the right product or service, you will have a much stronger fan base on your Facebook account in the future. All of these people of whom will be strong advocates for your company.
2. Create word of mouth advocates with contest
As we had discussed above, contests can be a great way to gain traction and show off your brand. However, as we mentioned executing that contest properly is key! If you own XYZ company and you specifically sell athletic apparel designed for extreme high performance use, giving away a tech item isn’t going to draw the right crowd.
But, giving away several key products you offer to those who are your target market and allowing them to use and experience how great your products are, they will then go online and brag to their friends and your fans how amazing your stuff is. This is a great way to get advocates who are passionate about your product and it will spread like wildfire.
3. Grow Your Lead List While You Grow Your Fan Base
You might already have a welcome tab — a landing page for users who haven’t yet liked your company. At a minimum, welcome tabs need a call-to-action. Ask users to like the page, and then include a brief video or copy of the products or services you offer introducing your company and page.
People are engaging in your company because they want a solution to a problem, or someone to answer a question for them. Go ahead and give them that material, but in return ask for an email, name, phone number, etc. to help grow a database list you can use to market to in the future.
4. Convert With Calls-to-Action
Selling on Facebook is an art and a science. Most users are on the site for both personal and social reasons, so it’s a space where loud salesmanship rarely succeeds.
But providing targeted value will work — and the best way to do that is with content.
If you’re new to this, start small. Guide your fans to your best content with short CTAs, like:
“Click Here” — Link to your latest blog post.
“Watch This” — Link to an entertaining video.
“Check This Out” — Post an interesting stat.
Every time a fan likes what’s on the other side of those links, you foster affinity and trust. You can then progress to more robust CTAs that focus on your brand’s specific services or products.
Good CTAs are content-rich, engaging, and promise something better outside of Facebook. This moves the relationship to your website, where you can convert fans to buyers using your existing sales funnel.
The Bottom Line…
Post engaging content that your customers / cliental can interact with, and content that keeps them up to date with your newest and latest ideas and/or products. And run ads and contests that target the right audience your are trying to reach. If you do all of this properly, you will have some very powerful word of mouth advocates, and a strong Facebook fan base.
(Some content provided by
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