Hunting and Outdoor Facebook Cover Design
January 17, 2013
Cameron Hanes Keep Hammering Hunting T-Shirt Hat Sticker Design
February 1, 2013Here at Apex we just finished up another hunting logo design! This one for Outland Outfitting located in Manitoba, Canada. Josh Johannson, owner of Outland Outfitting got in touch with Apex initially in need of a couple hunting banner advertisements for use across the web on various hunting and outdoor websites. Specializing in bear hunting, we designed a couple eye-catching ads to jump off the page with a black bear staring at your intensely to grab your attention. Aside from the bear grabbing your attention, coloring is everything when designing an efficient hunting banner ad. The point of an efficient banner ad is to get an individual to notice, AND click on your ad to view your site or landing page and sell them on what you have to offer. Without a specific call-to-action on the ad, there is no point to even run it. Here at Apex we specialize in outdoor and hunting marketing / advertising, as well as custom hunting logo design, hunting web design, hunting graphic design, and a whole lot more.
After we had successfully completed the banner ads for Outland Outfitting, Josh had asked us to design him a new logo to help cement his brand in consumers’ minds. After assessing his target market and taking in to consideration the hunts he offers, we started the design of his new logo. Josh wanted a logo that would stand out in the hunting industry and let an individual know right off hand what type of hunts he has to offer. With black bear hunting being his main focus, we felt that having a bear paw in the background would be a great piece to accent his main focus. We then added a wolf, whitetail deer, and a hunter taking aim on passing waterfowl to establish his wolf hunts, whitetail deer hunts, and superb waterfowl hunting. Located in the mountainous ranges deep in Manitoba, we wanted to accent the thick evergreen forest that inhabited the surrounding area. After review, Josh’s response was, “I love it!” We truly enjoyed the pleasure working with Josh and Outland Outfitting and we look forward to working with them in the future. We’ve included a quick piece on Outland Outfitting to give our readers a better understanding of what exactly they have to offer in the hunting community.
About Outland Outfitting:
“My name is Josh Johannson, a licensed guide and outfitter. I have been guiding and fishing for years as a commercial fisherman and by angling. I’ve come attached to the Grand Rapids area because it is a place that has so many bears and now over 500 square miles. The quality of bear is seemingly endless, and it is so exciting to see all the colour phase here as well. I am out one month prior to the start of the black bear hunt baiting and using trail cams to identify what bears are in the area, and keep checking them every time I bait so quality bears are what you will always be hunting. At Outland Outfitters, we put a lot of time into baiting and scouting so you will always be on productive baits.
Grand Rapids is a small picturesque community in central Manitoba, Canada. Population is about 1500 and the nearest towns are at least 100 miles away. This isolation, coupled with the numerous caves and dense forest, make for excellent bear habitat. Grand Rapids is 400 miles north of the Canadian/US border and due to the location of our town between two large lakes, we often become a funnel for hungry bears.
When we have extra time, we can go fishing or tour the local fish hatchery, Hydro Generating Station, and other local sites. Hopefully, you are not one of the many hunters who have been taken for a ride by other bear camps. I can assure you that will not happen here. You won’t find twenty hunters in camp, baits that are a quarter mile apart, or baits that are unproductive. You will see bear.”
Looking for hunting logo design or hunting banner advertisement design? Simply fill out the form to the right for a FREE quote and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.